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A little more about me...

One of my more recent interests is obstacle course racing. This has become one of my favorite hobbies. They test me physically as well as mentally and i love every moment of it. There's nothing better than crawling through mud under barbed wire, or climbing ropes to reach an uncomfortable height!

finding the time to exercise is one of my biggest wellness challenges. When people ask me what they should do for exercise, I say to do whatever it is that's realistic, and make it routine. I do my best to bike or run, and get to the gym as many days as possible around my other life priorities.

my lifelong favorite place to be is on a lake, any lake. I grew up spending summers at rented lakefront cottages and continue to find nothing more fun...
...and peaceful.

mindfulness. It's difficult to remain focused on the present, but it can be extremely therepeutic. I try to incorporate it every day, even if only for a few minutes.
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